European elections 2024
Candidates in the European elections
Here you can find all social democratic candidates in the European elections.
We are committed to non-compromising work for the purpose of building a strong, open and fair European Union. We, the Social Democrats, will focus on work for hope and a better future. The degeneration of Europe and Finland needs to be stopped now. We can do better.
The SDP works against policies that increase inequality and actors seeking to dismantle the rule of law, both in Finland and in Europe. The SDP and the European Socialists & Democrats are the only real counterforces to the far right. We will defend democracy, the rule of law, peace and equality. Hate speech and racism will have no place in our Europe, and the equality of people will also be ensured.
The European elections are held in Finland on 9 June 2024.

This is enough. We can do better.
The SDP and the European Socialists & Democrats are the only real counterforces to the far right.
SDP’s election manifesto